Obviously, during 2012, IMF warned about the consequences in the growth of drastic fiscal austerity measures, and big budget cuts, to Spain, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, Hungary, and other countries, but recognizing their necessity.
Now, however, they question their necessity, and they have quantified the economic damage of austerity through tax hikes and spending cuts, hurting growth not 0.6. (like some experts thought) but between 0.9 or 1.7 points of GDP, so countries should have been pursuing stimulus measures to boost growth, without insisting on budget cuts and tax hikes.
Austerity without any growth strategy is a recipe for disaster, recessionary spiral, socially unsustainable. Not only doesn't fix the problem, it makes it worse by exacerbating most of a country's economic problems.
We think, without doubt, that spending cuts in these countries are necessary, but tax hikes are not, The middle class can't be anymore sacrificed with these high taxes, rather taxes should go down, maintaining the austerity just in the government spending.
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